Visual basic instring
Visual basic instring

visual basic instring

For example: Dim myString As String = "abcdefghijklmnop"ĭim myArray As Char() = myString.ToCharArray If you need to perform multiple array-type manipulations on a string, you can convert it to an array of Char instances using the ToCharArray function of the string.

visual basic instring

You can also get the length of a particular string through the Length property. In the above example, the Chars property of the string returns the fourth character in the string, which is D, and assigns it to m圜har. For example: Dim myString As String = "ABCDE" You may refer to a specific character in a string through the Chars property, which provides a way to access a character by the position in which it appears in the string. NET Framework, these are zero-based arrays.


ValueĪ string can be thought of as a series of Char values, and the String type has built-in functions that allow you to perform many manipulations on a string that resemble the manipulations allowed by arrays. You no longer need to use the old workaround: Dim x =. The resulting string contains newline sequences that you used in your string literal (vbcr, vbcrlf, etc.).

visual basic instring

String literals can contain multiple lines: Dim x = "hello The three quotation marks at the end of the line represent one quotation mark in the string and the string termination character. In the preceding example, the two quotation marks preceding the word Look become one quotation mark in the string. MyString = "He said, ""Look at this example!""" The following example demonstrates the correct way to include a quotation mark in a string: ' The value of myString is: He said, "Look at this example!" To solve this problem, Visual Basic interprets two quotation marks in a string literal as one quotation mark in the string.


This code causes an error because the compiler terminates the string after the second quotation mark, and the remainder of the string is interpreted as code. ' myString = "He said, "Look at this example!"" For example, the following code causes a compiler error: Dim myString As String This means that a quotation mark within a string cannot be represented by a quotation mark. OneString = "one, two, three, four, five"Īny literal that is assigned to a String variable must be enclosed in quotation marks (""). Examples are shown below: Dim OneString As String MyString = "This is an example of the String data type"Ī String variable can also accept any expression that evaluates to a string. String VariablesĪn instance of a string can be assigned a literal value that represents a series of characters. This topic introduces the basic concepts of strings in Visual Basic. The String data type represents a series of characters (each representing in turn an instance of the Char data type).

Visual basic instring